Tall Tales

4 Essential Workout Tips for Tall Athletes from Stack.com.
I have been accused of being prejudiced against tall people many times. Programming loads of pullups, order thrusters and muscle ups has always been a ploy to make tall folks look bad. Tall people, or tall-ies as I like to call them, have too many advantages in life. I have always felt it was my responsibility being on the short side of 5’7″ (on a good day) to bring you lanky folks down a peg or two. But enjoy the exercise tips anyway.

CFO Is REALLY at standing behind our people…Patty got the cheering section she may or may not have wanted during 14.4.
CFO Is REALLY at standing behind our people…Patty got the cheering section she may or may not have wanted during 14.4.

Workout of the Day
Pullup/Muscleup Practice
OTM for 5 minutes. Do 3-5 Pullups OTM, or 2-3 MU OTM. Pullups can be deadhang, chest to bar or kipping. Or just body pulls.
30 Doubleunders
20 Walking Lunge Steps
10 Pullups
15 minute cap