The Subway Deception. Lots of chest beating here, store but we should be aware of the addicitves in food, dosage even the “healthy” alternatives.
Workout of the Day
Back Squat, 1 set of 8, 80% of 1RM
Take 10-15 minutes to warm up for this lift. Use sets of 5 early and 3s as the weight gets heavy. Only make 1 big attempt at your set of 8. What’s you 8RM??? Let’s ring that bell!
1 Wall Climb
1 Front Squat 165/105
1 Wall Climb
2 Front Squat 165/105
1 Wall Climb
3 Front Squat 165/105
1 Wall Climb
4 Front Squat 165/105
1 Wall Climb
5 Front Squat 165/105…
Keep FS going up by 1 until the 7 minutes is up