Whole Life Challenge

September 19th is the first day of the Whole Life Challenge. If you missed the meeting, buy go to the Whole Life Website for more in depth information. There is a sign up list on the front desk. Alison will be emailing out information this week regarding the online sign up. Also, web you can text @2015ewlb to 81010 to get on the reminder list for the challenge. If you haven’t gotten on the CFO reminder list text @cfoakdale to 81010 for that.

Mobilization and Stretching are part of the challenge! We got our Yoga on after the 6:30pm class on Tuesday night.
Mobilization and Stretching are part of the challenge! We got our Yoga on after the 6:30pm class on Tuesday night.

Workout of the Day

Strength/Skill, Week 2 of 4

Shoulder Press, 4 sets of 10

Starting weight was 50-60% of 1RM.  Some starting spots were 55-65# for ladies, or 95-115# for guys.  If you begin to fail reps, it is ok to Push Press the last couple of reps. If you are push pressing more than 4 reps at any given set, the weight is too heavy, and should be adjusted.  Keeps breaks short, to 90 seconds.  You developing both pressing power and muscular endurance in the shoulders.



Parking Lot Run

21 Pushups

21 Situps