Just a heads up on what we currently have on the plate!
Saturday 11/18/17- During the 9am class we will do the final WOD and measurements for the Whole Life Challenge. Everyone will do the workout at 9am and measurements can be taken after. You don’t have to have done the Whole Life Challenge to come on in!
Sunday 11/19/17 Open Gym 10 am-12pm and Intro Session covering the Deadlift, Clean and pull-ups. Intro Starts at 10:30am and is an hour long.
Wednesday 11/22/17- 5:30am, 9am and 5:30pm only classes.
Thursday 11/23/17 – CLOSED – GO ENJOY YOUR FAMILY!
Friday 11/24/17 – 10am only – Get a workout post – Black Friday shopping!
Saturday and Sunday – CLOSED
During ALL of this time you can still sign up for the Franniversary competition on December 2nd.
December 9th Self Defense Seminar AND Christmas Party. Get your tickets for the Christmas party from Alison:) Adults are $10 and Kids are $5 – Taco Truck Tacos for dinner!
Workout of the Day
On the Minute for 0-20 Minutes
30 seconds of work/30 seconds of rest
Alternating Rounds of :
Dumbbell PushPress (2 dumbbells or kettlebells) 50/35
Toes to Bar
Minutes 20-30
Row for Calories