Weekend Activities

The CrossFit Oakdale Holiday Party is at 5pm at Phat Hogs (in the Savemart parking lot) on Saturday night.  Please RSVP on Facebook.
On Saturday at 9am, purchase CFO will have a Bring A Friend WOD.  At 10am, remedy we will be doing a 400 rep chipper that was posted on CrossFit.com last week.  20 reps of 20 movements, medications and it looks like the WOD takes over 20 minutes.  Hopefully the weather is good and we can do some movements outside.  Please review the WOD – we will have 3 types of bars set up, 135, 95 and 65.  If you can’t use one of these weights we likely won’t have the equipment for the WOD.  As it is, each movement/barbell will be first come, first serve.  If a piece of equipment is taken, you may have to skip it and come back to it.  We have one GHD, so I would sub GHD sit-ups with Toes to Bar.  Dips will be Ring Dips.
Chippers are fun, but they are a test, not a way to train.  It’s a good “cardio” session, but it’s hard to focus on technique and positioning when you’re trying to storm through 20 movements and trying to figure out what you’re doing next.
Just in case you missed this. 
Workout of the Day
Front Squat
Warm up and build to a heavy 3.  In your mind, you should think, “I can’t believe I have to do that 2 more times at that weight.”  NOW you are lifting weights.
7 Squat Clean 95/65
15 Abmat Situps