Week of Peace, Love & WODS (Fran VIII)

This is the week of our annual couples competition! On Saturday a bunch of fit people will converge on Oakdale to compete in Peace, Love and WODS. After 4 challenging workouts, the top five team will compete in a finals event:


500 foot Walking Lunge

40 Toes to Bar

300 foot DB 1 arm Overhead Walking Lunge 50/35

20 Toes to Bar

100 foot Handstand Walk

You can switch out lunges or HS walks after 50 feet (a down and back)

You can break Toes to Bar any way you want.

The scaled & Teen Scaled finals is:

“The Other One”

500 foot Walking Lunge

40 Toes to Bar

300 foot Walking Lunge

20 Toes to Bar

100 foot Walking Lunge

Workout of the Day

Back Squat

3 sets of 3, 70%

OTM 10

3 Push Press



Calorie Row

Burpees to Touch