A good group of CFO’ers got to hang out with Charles Shipman. “Uncle Charles” brought a ton of knowledge, experience and deep thoughts on weightlifting. Scattered around the knowledge bombs, June, Lizzie (Canadian) and Sarah all PR’ed on their Snatch and Sarah also PR’ed her Clean and Jerk.
This is week 6 of 8 for our current strength cycle. Next week we will make a small jump on all the lifts. I think you will agree these percentages and the lifts have been challenging. The 10s and 7s, especially the second set of each, have been really tough. Those sets of 3 almost seem like a relief.
For the #cfo100 Burpee challenge, I’m going to start throwing in some quick sprint work every few days. With 30 days to go, let’s put some speed on that efficiency.
For the CFO Squat Club, I posted the recommended work on the calendar by the white board. Alison calls Monday’s squat the “Fat Baby Turtle Stretch.”
Workout of the Day
60 seconds of Burpees
60 seconds of Rest
60 seconds of Burpees
Clean Grip Bench Press
10 @ 55%, 10 @ 60%, 7 @ 65%, 7 @ 70%, 3 @ 75%, 3 @ 80%
The Clean Grip means that if you normally take a wide grip, bring it in a bit.
30 Doubleunders
7 1-Arm Kettlebell Snatch
7 1-Arm Kettlebell Snatch
No “RX” weight here, but I recommend 53/35. But find something comfortable.