Week of October 15, 2018

We have built up a series of progressions – we have a Jerk progression, a Pull-up/Dip progression and a Handstand progression.  We will continue to tweak these progressions to develop awareness and to push out limits.
For example, this week we will take our Jerk progression behind the neck.  We will start out with some basic shoulder pressing, and after 3 sets, move into the Jerk progression of Push Press, Push Jerk and Split Jerk.  All these lifts start from behind the neck and you will need to safely return the bar behind the neck.
This may take some getting used to.  For the most part, you will be able to move more weight from behind the neck.  The bar path starts behind the neck, and finishes overhead.  On the lifts from the front, you need to push up and back.  For these lifts, you only need to push up.
All that being said, it may take some practice.  We will give this variation 3 weeks.

Workout of the Day
Behind the Neck (BTN) Complex
Push Press-Push Jerk-Split Jerk
Warm up with sets of 3 BTN Shoulder Press
5 Clean & Jerks
5 Squat Clean
Score will be total # of reps completed