****Don’t forget to enter your scores by Monday at 5pm. They don’t care what happened at 4:59 pm. ***
Wear you tie dye stuff this week – peace, love, thrusters – you will earn points for your team!
A word of warning – I was not 100% correct in my assessment of 20.1. It was a burpee workout, but I think my advice of sticking to clean and jerks was not great if you could snatch comfortably. So, if you worked out at 530a or 9, thank you for being a crash test dummy!
20.1 was a big burpee effort. That means our weekly burpee work goes away. That doesn’t mean burpees are off the table for us, or even the Open. They have come up twice before.
This week – thrusters on Monday (we will couple each week with pullups), handstand work on Tuesday, some heavy deadlift and a TTB/WB couplet on Wednesday and Milo on Thursday.
Thank you to all who came and “sipped, sweat and shopped” on Sunday. Dani Nicole generously donated 20% of all sales to our Barbells for Boobs Fundraiser. All ladies who shopped – we should coordinate who gets to where what and when:)

Workout of the Day
OTM 20
Min 1 – 3 Thrusters, add 5-10 to last week
Min 2 – In 30 seconds, 3 Bar Muscle Ups, then as many Chest to Bar Pullups in the remaining time.
Your score is your weight on the thrusters and your total number of BMU and C2B combined