This will be an abbreviated week due to the 4th of July on Thursday. We will have one workout at 9am on Thursday and there will be no 5:30am class on Friday, July 5, only 9am and 4:30pm and 5:30pm classes.
We will deadlift on Monday, push/pull session and a thruster workout on Tuesday and wall ball on Friday.
I am going to start programming a “Monster Mash” on the first Saturday of the month. The Monster Mash is usually 3 workouts rolled into a one hour period. Usually the first workout is high skill, the second workout is rough, and the third workout is gut check time. These workouts come from the mind of Pat Sherwood at CrossFit Linchpin.

Workout of the Day
Clean Grip Deadlift
5 sets of 3, 60% of your 3RM from last week.
Power Clean 95/65