Week of January 2, 2018

I hope you had a Happy New Year and you are ready to get into some hard corps training!
We finished a 6 week Olympic Weightlifting Cycle, and the New Year is an excellent time to test our 1RMs.  We will test the Clean and Jerk on Tuesday and the Snatch on Thursday.  On Friday we will pick back up with our 5×5 Back Squats – this week at 75%.
Here’s a note on today’s conditioning workout:
If you have been CrossFit since say, 2016, I suggest you try to do this workout UNBROKEN.  If you can do doubleunders, I am confident you can smash through small sets of wallballs.  I am asking you to not.  So, if you mess up on 20 DU, you should start over until you can complete 20 unbroken, or UB.
In the last round, if you get through 19 WB, and are not able to complete, or you drop the ball, you start over at 0.
Obviously, this can be a frustrating undertaking.  If you are new to CrossFit, don’t do this!  This is for athletes that have gotten comfortable strategizing and have learned their pace.  You will likely need to take big breaks, and get pretty uncomfortable 

Workout of the Day
Clean & Jerk
Build to a max effort in 25 minutes
10 Doubleunders
5 Wallball Shots 20/14
20 Doubleunders
10 Wallball Shots
30 Doubleunders
15 Wallball Shots
40 Doubleunders
20 Wallball Shots
50 Doubleunders
25 Wallball Shots
12 minute cap

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