***Only 1 Class on NYD @ 12p***
Let’s ring in the new year with some fitness. One of my favorite workouts ever is “The Seven.” It honors 7 CIA employees killed in Afghanistan on December 30, 2009. Because of the date, it’s an excellent New Years Day hero challenge. As written, it’s a little heavy in spots, and a little wonky in others. Why? It has knees to elbows. Knees to Elbows are a great movement, but they are more of a curveball. Many athletes can smash through the workout, only to have to do singles on K2E.
I saw Chris Spealler post the “Light Sevens” and I really wanted to do it awhile ago, but I missed it. I also think “light” is the wrong word. Because the weights will be slightly lighter, your goal will be to do each movement unbroken and transition quickly.
I call it the “Intense 7.”
Zero Dark Thirty was a decent flick. The story of “The Seven” is told later in the film.
Workout of the Day
“Intense 7”
7 HSPU (sub Hand Release Pushups)
7 Thrusters 95/65
7 Toes to Bar
7 Deadlift 185/115
7 Burpees
7 KB Swing 53/35
7 Pullups