Week of Christmas 2016

We will have a normal schedule this week, as Christmas falls on a Sunday.  Back Squat on Monday, HS work on Tuesday.  Next week will be our final week of the Back Squat progression.
In the new year, we will do a 5 RM Back Squat build, a 2RM Front Squat build and heavy Snatch work weekly.
The conditioning workout is simple movements.  For the pushups, there will be a little twist.  Men grab 2 45# plates, ladies grab 2 25#s.  You put your hands on the plates, and it will create a deficit for your pushups.  If you are (very) familiar with GHD situps, you may do them.
Also, I will be posting some optional extra work.  These will be short OTMs that will get you ready for the type of stuff we will see in the Open, which is 2 months or so away.

Thanks to everyone who came out to party with us on Saturday! Happy Holidays!!
Thanks to everyone who came out to party with us on Saturday! Happy Holidays!!

Workout of the Day
Back Squat
Build to a heavy set of 3 in 20 minutes.
10 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
10 Pushups w/ hands on plates
10 Situps
10 Air Squats
Optional work
12 Cals on the Rower