We will have a normal schedule this week, as Christmas falls on a Sunday. Back Squat on Monday, HS work on Tuesday. Next week will be our final week of the Back Squat progression.
In the new year, we will do a 5 RM Back Squat build, a 2RM Front Squat build and heavy Snatch work weekly.
The conditioning workout is simple movements. For the pushups, there will be a little twist. Men grab 2 45# plates, ladies grab 2 25#s. You put your hands on the plates, and it will create a deficit for your pushups. If you are (very) familiar with GHD situps, you may do them.
Also, I will be posting some optional extra work. These will be short OTMs that will get you ready for the type of stuff we will see in the Open, which is 2 months or so away.
Workout of the Day
Back Squat
Build to a heavy set of 3 in 20 minutes.
10 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
10 Pushups w/ hands on plates
10 Situps
10 Air Squats
Optional work
12 Cals on the Rower