Denny, June and I competed in the CrossFit Games Online Qualifier over the weekend. Denny and I tackled all 5 workouts with maximum effort. We did a ton of warming up, planning, executing and cooling down to get ready for the next day of tough workouts.
From my experience, this is the first time I’ve really sunk down into a competition in over 5 years. I think we had a general idea as to how the workouts would go, but we knew that life was gonna get harder as we basically got beat up by the heavy duty workouts.
I have always taken pride in my ability to do better on the tougher workouts and the more challenging the circumstances. Both Denny and I finished day 1 with our weakest performances on the rope climb/pistol workout. Denny was in 239 and I was around 550 at the end of day 1. By the end of day 3, we clawed back to our highest placings at the end, Denny sitting at 104 in his age group and me at 410. We each made up over 100 places on day 2 and 3!
June crushed Event three, coming in 45th place. She was also able to PR her rope climb TWICE and her overhead squat TWICE by the end of a tough weekend!

Back Squat for load:
#1: 5 reps @ 30%
#2: 5 reps @ 30%
#3: 5 reps @ 30%
#4: 4 reps @ 50%
#5: 3 reps @ 60%
#6: 2 reps @ 70%
#7: 4 reps @ 75%**
#8: 4 reps @ 75%**
#9: 4 reps @ 75%**
#10: 4 reps @ 75%**
#11: 4 reps @ 75%**
**Add 5-10# to your Week 2, Day 1 lift
Core4 minutes of Tabata Deficit Pushups
Rest 1 minute
4 minutes of Tabata Anchored Abmat Situps
Grab a pair of Dumbbells – during the pushups, set your DB parallel and use them to create a deficit
For the situps, anchor your feet