This is our third week of progression squats on Monday, and our fourth week of wall ball drills. I hope you are settling into the process, understanding your numbers and pushing you limits.
I was discussing this program with Victoria last week. Victoria is a strong young lady, but traditionally, lighter, vertically challenged athletes (like myself) struggle with big sets of wall balls shots. Victoria shot 18 straight, her first week, and set a goal for week 2 of 25. She hit that number. In week 3, she had a goal of 30 and hit that.
I think these kind of battles are the essence of CrossFit – setting small – reasonable – goals, learning about your capabilities, trying to squeeze just a little more performance than the last time.
If you don’t hit your target, that’s probably ok. You’ve taken the time to build a strong fitness foundation and you’ve probably learned that you are stronger than you thought.

Workout of the Day
Week 3 of 6
Back Squat
Build to a heavy set of 3 in 12 minutes.
Then, perform 3 sets of 5 at 75% of your 1RM.
50 Wallball Shots 20/14
40 Chest to Bar Pullups