Get your registration in for the Every Meter Counts Row-a-thon! Click here for the online store. You will be given a chance to chose a t-shirt size. Due to time restrictions, t-shirts will be delivered to you after the pledges have been collected.
Pledge sheets will be emailed out to you and you can start hitting up your friends and family as if you were a 3rd grader in a jog-a-thon. You can collect a straight donation, or ask for a pledge based on meters. Make sure you give your people a good idea as to how many meters you might row.
This is event is open to our community, so spread the word. We are looking for donations for a raffle during this event. The raffle items will be posted on Facebook as a virtual raffle.
Big Thanks to Scott for her creativity on the logo for this event!

Workout of the Day
Parking Lot Run
10 Altenating Dumbbell Snatches 50/35
5 Toes to Bar