Wednesday 1/27/2021

Brian has some things to say about this workout. At least that is what he just announced walking through the door.

“This workout comes from Proving Grounds. I saw it on instagram. It feels Open-y to me. It’s short, and probably a little brutal. If you can do bar muscle-ups, do them in this workout – there is only 7. If you don’t have bar muscle-ups, the substitution is… NOTHING. Smash through your thrusters and burpees and then attack the clean and jerks like the barbell owes you money.”

Workout of the Day

“Proving Grounds”

Perform 7 rounds
5 Thrusters 135/95
3 Bar Facing Burpees
1 Bar Muscle Up
After you complete the 7 rounds, perform as many clean and jerks as possible