Warrior Only WODs for Breast Cancer – 11.12.16

Are you having fun yet? This will be a fun little split WOD for you. 
Want to help us raise some $$ with a FUN 2 person team competition? Teams can be Scaled (Male/Male, drug Female/Female or COED) or RX (Male/Male, sale Female/Female). The cost is $99 per team and the proceeds will be going to a Breast Cancer Charity.
The date for this event is Saturday November 12th.

2016 Workouts for WOW4BC

Weights  Men’s RX/Men’s scaled-Women’s RX/Women’s scaled

WOD 1 & 2

Max Hang Clean 4 min then…

2 min max double unders/singles-scaled ( combined only one athlete working at a time )

WOD 3 & 4

AMRAP (for each)  5 min cap 
Weight for bar movements 95/65/45 lbs
25 SDLHP, 25 Back Squats, 25 Burpees Over Bar
 Simultaneous Row for Cals (from the beginning) 
One athlete rows while the other does the movements, switch out when needed


6 min cap
Fran ladder  ( Thrusters and pull-ups, scaled -thrusters and ring/bar rows)
Weight for thrusters  95/65/45 lbs
3-6-9-12…. and on it goes!  One partner working at a time, switch when needed. 
This will give you a chance to see how you and your partner work together…maybe you want to team up for Franniversary…just sayin…

Workout of the Day
9 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
9 Burpees
9 Kettlebell Swings 
9 Box Jumps 24/20
THEN After a short break:
9 minutes – partner style (work/rest)
Push the Sleds