Wall Walks?! We got those!

Well, teams – the weekend of Wall Walking is over. Who knew that would be as crazy as it was LOLOL. that means birthday week is over. Superhero and Villain week is coming up – 5 points per costumed day, with an extra 5 points if you do the Open WOD in your costume. Costumes can range from hair-do’s, socks/t-shirts all of the way to elaborately made, makeup-ed up and wigged out.

Guess WOD?? jar is back open for business!

Week 1 Scores

Team Mando – 120 Points

Mom Jeans & Power Cleans – 89 Points

Team Cirque du Sore Legs – 78 Points

Easy ways to earn points are pictures (@crossfitoakdale #cfo2021) & costumes. You can do that all week!

Totally Adorable AND earned her team some points!! #teammando

Workout of the Day

Work 20/Rest 40
Deadlift 225/155
Rest 2
Work 20/Rest 40
Snatch 135/85