Toeing the Bar

Quick reflection on the Open and Regionals.  If you want to be good at CrossFit, medications I would get really freaking good at Toes to Bar.  After watching event 6 at the Central East Regionals, what is ed where every guy breezed through 40 TTB in 2-3 sets (Dan Bailey went 30-10 as he tried to outpace Froning) it’s become evident that TTB is an essential competitive movement.  Top guys and gals have become so good at TTB, try they are like an after thought.  It’s easy to judge and a pretty good indicator of grip and core strength.
If you are doing TTB right, the kip is very similar to that of a muscle up, so lots of TTB will help that aspect of your fitness.  So TTB, especially when linked together, have a great deal of carryover.  They have also shown up in EVERY CrossFit HQ designed Games event since the 2009 Games.  TTB have become as required as squatting.  If you are interested in competing in CrossFit, you must make TTB a major component of your training until you’ve mastered them.
What is the best way to do this?  CFO will incorporate TTB into WODs regularly (once a week), so if you want to get really good at them, you will need to work them at least once a week in addition to the training we provide.  If you are good at TTB, I would practice them both in warm ups and in cash outs.  In warm up, 3 sets of 8-12 is pretty good way to wire the movement while fresh.  In cash outs, anything from 20 all the way to 50 are pretty good tests that you can work by yourself or in small groups.  In working big cash out sets, try to keep the work under 5 minutes.  If you are cashing out, very little good stuff happens after 5 minutes.
If you are still perfecting your TTB, I recommend working them early, when you are fresh.  5 sets of 5 on the minute is a great start.  Work smaller sets if your find you are swinging around too much.  If possible, work up to sets of 10-12, but not much more than that.  If you can do 15 unbroken TTB, 3 sets of 12 with a minute of rest between sets is great way to wire your body for the movement.
If you are still developing the TTB, working the kip with Toes through Rings is a great way to develop the hip action you will need.
We love athletes doing extra work to make themselves better.  Please make sure the equipment is not in use and you are not disrupting a class as you get in your extra work.


Front Squat
Work 80-85% of 1RM, resting 2 minutes between sets.
Parking Lot Sprint
10 Burpees to Plate

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