Coming up…

Saturday, try June 15th is Stand Up Paddle at the Central Valley Reservoir.  We can meet at the gym and carpool, # since it costs money to get into the Reservoir. 
On Sunday, June 16th Bill and Vanessa will be competing in the Rookie Rumble at Hercules CrossFit.  This is their first comp, and it should be a good time.  I’ll be heading out there – let me know if you want to car pool out to cheer on the Walton’s.
My buddy Andrew Williams is hosting comp a CrossFit Walnut Creek on Saturday, June 22.  He’s reached out to some experienced competitors, so I would say this is NOT a beginners event – last comp included muscleups, HSPU and pistols.  If you feel you’re ready for 4 tough WODs in a day, let me know and I’ll pass on the info.
Wednesday’s Benchmark WOD will be “DT.”  I will post a strategy/scaling recommendation Tuesday night.
Finally, I am considering a “CrossFit Express” class.  Once a week, in a non-class time, I’d like to run a 30 minute sweat class.  It will consist of simple movements that require little coaching (cough, skill).  Lots of swings, basic calisthenics and moving.  WODs will be 20 minutes or so; so a quick warm up, move fast and hard.  Please post your thoughts on FB.  I would like to hold this on Tuesday’s or Thursday’s, either at 4:45p or 7:30p and see how it goes…
7 sets, OTM
This is a “cluster” – do 1 lift, then you will do another lift in 10s.  Look at the clock when the bar hit’s the floor.  Add 10s and be ready to go again.  You should be grabbing the bar at 7s, setting up, and pulling again at 10s.  We will build on this type of training.
3 Toe to Bar
3 Snatch 95/65
6 Toe to Bar
6 Snatch 95/65
9 Toe to Bar
9 Snatch 95/65…
How far can you go???