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Click Here to sign up for the meeting about The Open is going through a bit of an adjustment. If you’ve been looking at the main page, and I have pretty much everyday for the last 13 years, you will notice some changes.
For the last 2 years, the main page focused on scaling options and provided videos for the workouts. That seems to be gone – in favor of health and fitness related articles. At least for the first week of the year, the articles have focused on CrossFit’s stated goal of increasing fitness for the entire world.
For the last 10 years or so, you could easily find CrossFit’s focus, the CrossFit Games, on the main site. From 2008 to about 2016, a lot of the content and the media on the main page focused on Games and the athletes. 2017 and 2018 saw a re-newed focus on education.
Coach Glassman said he was going to de-emphasize the Games, and it looks like he is doing just that. Now, I love the CrossFit Games. I love everything about it. But the focus of the entire community should probably not be on the top 10 folks that compete at the highest level.
Coach has talked about wanting to put the emphasis on the gyms, communities and people changing their lives through fitness.
The CrossFit world has exploded since it’s early day. Back in the early to mid-2000’s, the brightest CrossFit minds posted their thoughts and ideas in the comments section. Recently, Coach has posted and responded to comments. I don’t know if he will do this regularly, but that dude is a genius, as wells as an incredible communicator and writer. I will be checking the comments regularly, something I haven’t done in years.
And the workouts are still good. Today’s comes from about a week ago.

Workout of the Day
1 Squat Snatch 155/100
3 Clean and Jerks 155/100
30 Doubleunders