Thursday 9/9/2021

Junk Yard Dog:)

Workout of the Day

Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean for load:
#1: 2 reps @ 40%
#2: 2 reps @ 40%
#3: 2 reps @ 40%
#4: 2 reps @ 50%
#5: 2 reps @ 60%
#6: 2 reps @ 70%
#7: 2 reps @ 70%
#8: 2 reps @ 70%
#9: 2 reps @ 70%
#10: 2 reps @ 70%
#11: 2 reps @ 70%
#12: 2 reps @ 70%

Squat Clean – start at just above your las hang clean weight and then go up.

3 Sets of 3

Clean Pull @ 100% of Clean weight

7 sets of 3

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