What To Expect From the 2014 Open by CFG Analysis (Ander Larson)
I have done today’s WOD before – probably 2 and a half years ago. I remember it being deceptively challenging and a grip smoker, side effects but I didn’t write down my time. It’s not heavy, but I wouldn’t consider it “light” because of the number of reps. Singles will definitely work on the cleans, but with the number of reps, and the fact that the WOD is for time, chained reps will produce faster times. That being said, I think a 7-8 minute time is humanly possible, but might leave you stumbling around the parking lot, looking like someone kicked your dog.
Workout of the Day
50 Cleans 135/95
50 Wallball Shots 20/14
50 Kettlebell Swings
20 minute cap