Things to talk about

Big thanks to Coach Tricia for donating an spot to the weightlifting competition – but let’s up the ante. You can win this entry by purchasing raffle tickets! YAY!! Everybody loves a raffle! All ticket sales will go directly to Coach Sarah in support of her trip to the Nationals in April. We will also be selling Sarah support stickers for $5.

The weightlifting seminar is a great way to learn how to wrestle the barbell a little bit more. It is March 15th from 9am-4pm and is $75. Get signed up!

On March 16, we will begin our first nutrition challenge of 2020: Into the Zone! During this challenge, you will receive points for learning how to “block” your meals, weighing and measuring your food, and eating in the Zone.

We will have an information session on March 9 at 6:30pm. More information to come. The challenge will cost $50. There will be progress tracking and we will assign accountabili-buddies for you to work with. There will be challenges along the way – we all LOVE to earn some points.

Everyone’s goals for nutritional challenges are different, but weights, measurements and pictures are great markers.

Sign up on the front desk so we have an idea of who is interested.

Workout of the Day


20 rep Back Squat – week 9 of 8:)



14/10 Cal Row

Parking Lot Run