The world of IF

I’ve had some questions in recent weeks about cleanses.  Cleanses are basically periods of time (I’ve seen 3, visit web 7 and 10 day cleanses) where you fast, only consuming a tea made of simple ingredients.  The goal if these cleanses is usually dramatic weight loss, but there are added benefits, such as giving your internal system a break from constantly eating to clearing and clearing out you digestive system.  The negative?  You don’t get to eat.  Your energy levels will plummet, your workouts would have to cease, and your fitness would suffer.
I personally would not recommend a cleanse, but I am still curious.  Thinking about a cleanse brought me back to Intermittent Fasting (IF).  IF is basically fasting for short periods anywhere from 16 to 36 hours.
Mark’s Daily Apple on IF
Leangains IF.  This is the IF Protocol Mark’s Daily Apple recommended for people that strength train.
Here’s another IF protocol.
This stuff isn’t rocket science.  BUT I would only recommend if you have a strangle hold on nutrition.  Try a month of zone or paleo before you attempt this.  REMEMBER – these are short fasts, 16 hours, once a week.  And sleeping counts.
More to come on IF…

Are you what you eat?

Workout of the Day
In 20 minutes, build to the heaviest possible set of
Snatch Deadlift/Snatch/Overhead Squat
Do not release the bar in this complex.  If you Squat Snatch, you will need to execute an Overhead Squat.
135/95 Squat Snatch