The Muscle Up*

* I wrote this this morning before 12.4 was posted…with Muscle-Ups.
The muscle up is one of the coolest skills to learn in CrossFit.  The ability to pull yourself up and over an obstacle is functional and primal.  It is also one of the most difficult gymnastic skills for CrossFitters to learn and master.  The muscle up is accurately described as the biggest pull-up you’ve ever pulled, search and the deepest dip you’ve ever done.
I want to start integrating muscle ups into our regular training, # buy but that doesn’t mean you have to have them to complete the WOD.  The transition, pulling from the chest into a dip position (an essential component of the MU) can be taught to anyone.  We have many ladies that have, or are close to developing, a full, kipping pull-up.  What about the dip?  For many, the dip will require real work to develop the stability and pressing required to complete the muscle up.
Don’t let the fact that it’s hard discourage you!  Christine missed countless muscle ups for months before nailing one the other night (she’s done them before, but “lost” it).  If you hang around after 6:30, you will see Emmaline diligently working on components of the muscle up, usually in the form of ring work.  The work you are doing in the strength sessions and WODs is helping develop the strength you need to perform a fluid, beautiful muscle up.
Challenging physical goals are my favorite kind.  Chasing a number on a scale is fine, but when you totally decide, “I am going to do a muscle up” and commit to that goal, certain things are required.  Would being lighter help?  Yes.  Would be being stronger help?  Damn straight it would.  Will it require additional practice?  You betcha!  But all these things will lead to the ultimate goal: becoming a fit, confident person ready to meet any challenge.

Workout of the Day
Muscle Up Transitions
3 Muscle Ups
15 Kettlebell Swings
30 Walking Lunges