Brooke and Scott took on “The Hazing” at Another Level CrossFit in Lodi on Saturday. Nearly 40 women took on this competition geared towards athletes with 2 years or less of CrossFit experience. Just because folks don’t have two years of experience doesn’t mean they aren’t really, really fit.
Brooke took 3rd overall and Scott took 10th. Scott took 7th in the first and second workout and got hit with a little bit of weight – workouts that didn’t lend to her skills.
Brooke overcame a 12th place finish in the first workout and 11th second to advance to the finals sitting in second place, demolishing a thruster/burpee workout and being one of 3 women to complete the clean and jerk ladder.
In a winner take all final, Brooke took third to earn her spot on the podium. It was her first podium finish ever!
Congratulations to both of these athletes. They have worked hard in training, coming in during open gym to practice, pushing each other beyond what they had done before. We are so proud of their hard work and effort.

Workout of the Day
10 Deadlift 22/155
5 Muscle Ups
For an RX in this workout, you will need to perform Ring Muscle Ups. This is an advanced movement. Please substitute reducing the # of Ring Muscle Ups, bar MU, jumping MU, burpee pull-ups or something involving a pull to get the stimulus.
There is a 20m time cap on this WOD.