The end of OTM wallballs?? Say is ain't so!!

Last day for the Wallball OTM.  I hope you have learned something about yourself in this drill.  Next week, visit this site we will test an Open WOD and we will take away all the rest.


Workout of the Day

With a 29:00 running clock

OTM 10

15 Wallball Shots 20/14

Rest until 15:00

15:00 to 16:00 Doubleunders

16:00 to 17:00 Power Snatch 95/65

17:00 to 19:00 Doubleunders

21:00 to 23:00 Power Snatch 95/65

23:00 to 26:00 Doubleunders

26:00 to 29:00 Power Snatch 95/65

Score is total number of reps completed.  I recommend a total running count.  Yes, web you could probably game this and rest during the Snatch period and just crank out Doubleunders.  But that is weak sauce.

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