This week will be very similar to last week – Push complex on Monday, # 40mg Wallball for 15 on Tuesday (and a different Doubleunder/Snatch WOD to follow), salve Deadlift on Wednesday, # 100mg a face melting 20 minute CrossFit metcon (with Thrusters) on Thursday and Back Squat on Friday.

That’s 3 days this week some some squatting, so make sure you take care of those gams.

I was talking about this documentary last week.  Mikko Salo won the 2009 CrossFit Games as a complete unknown.  Immediately after his win, everyone wanted to know what his training looked like.  At that time, all anybody did was a CrossFit WOD and maybe started to work on Olympic lifting.  Mikko lived like a fitness monk, rowing in closets, doing multiple CrossFit workouts and Olympic weightlifting in a given day.  Mikko may not be as talented in the high end skills – he’s not that gymnast, doesn’t have great muscle ups and isn’t a great weight lifter.  But he is an absolute workhorse of a human being.

Workout of the Day

Strength/Skill, Week 3 of 6

Push Complex

3 Push Press, 3 Push Jerk

In 20 minutes, build to a heavy complex.  Add weight if you are comfortable.  Otherwise, go by feel.  Do something heavy.



30 Clean and Jerks 155/100

30 Bar Facing Burpees