The CrossFit Games are this weekend! 100 of the fittest men and women, pharmacy hundreds of team members and another 100 masters athletes will throw down for the title of “Fittest on Earth”. I started competing in CrossFit in 2009, find and the sport has grown by leaps and bounds since that time. The venue moved from someone’s back yard in Aromas, visit this site CA to the Home Depot center in LA faster than anyone thought possible. It looks like CrossFit may have outgrown the HDC, as the Games sold out quickly.
Not only has the size and scope of the venue change, the challenge has sky rocketed. The tests the athletes will face are daunting to say the least. We have watched as the Games evolved from a 1.5 day challenge, to a full two days, to this monster test this year. The athletes will face 4 days(!) of challenges so varied, they had to put the athletes on Camp Pendleton to test them.
Check out the WODs they have posted so far. Pay particular attention to the team and masters WODs. The Games are broader than just the individual competition. My goal is to send Team CFO to Regionals and the Games, and it’s important to know the challenges. The same goal is there for the Masters category. We have a couple of Masters athletes that will have good opportunities in next years Open, so pay attention to what your peers are doing and how they are being tested.
The Costanza Principle. I am a long time Seinfeld fan. To think we should take life advice from George kind of scares me and makes me smile.
Kim H. gets some Sandbag cleans. Ready for Anything!
Workout of the Day
21 Cleans 95/65
21 Hand Release Pushups
Once you complete the triplet, do 100 Doubleunders. If you don’t have Doubleunders, do 35 attempts.