Summer Nutrition Challenge

Fresh fruits and veggies at every farm stand makes this nutrition challenge EASY.

Join us from June 12th -July 2nd to balance out the nutrition that may have gotten off track. We will be focusing on whole foods, all of the protein, carbs and fats.

Choose your Challenge Level

Important Dates:

Nutrition challenge: June 12-July 2nd

All About Foundations Seminar to check in: June 26th 7:30pm

All About Foundations Seminar Post challenge July 24th 7:30pm

Challenge: Eat according to CrossFit Nutrition & have adequate hydration

Level 1 Commitment: Daily Food Journaling, Challenge Facebook Group, benchmark workout. $FREE

Level 2 Commitment: Daily Food Journaling with weekly revision by a coach, access to Challenge Facebook Group, benchmark workout, Macros to track, before/after pictures & measurements $50

Level 3 Commitment: Level 2 with accountability – 20 minute Weekly check-in with a coach – in person or FaceTime/zoom $100

Weekly Challenges: 

Week 1: Meal prep and eat only what you make. (1 meal/week out)

Week 2: Practice eating slower without distraction (1 meal/day)

Week 3: Hunger/Satiety Awareness

Week 4: Go find better ingredients.

Earn points through community sharing

Are you in? Click here for more info!