Standards for Summer Slam 7's

We are leading up to the Summer Slam 7’s this week and we are very excited for Saturday. We will be closing the registration on Wednesday, clinic so if you plan on joining us as a competitor, sick get on it! You can still register HERE.
If you would like to help out as a judge or on the “Grunt Work” Team call, and text or email Alison at 209-345-4380.
Here are the movement standards for the Summer Slam 7’s Events 1, 2 and 3:
All movements are similar to the CrossFit Games Standard in the CrossFit Games Online Judges Course.
Squat Snatch – Bar must to directly from the ground overhead and body must pass through an overhead squat. Any egregious press outs will be called as a “No-Rep” IE. you CANNOT Snatch from off of your head.  
Power Snatch plus Overhead Squat is OK.
Clean and Jerk – Bar must go from the ground to the shoulder AND THEN from the shoulder to overhead. 
Scaled and Masters –
Power Snatch – Bar must go from the ground directly overhead. 
Clean and Jerk – Bar must go from the ground to the shoulder AND THEN from the shoulder to overhead.
For both movements the feet must return under the body and the bar in control in the overhead position before returning to the ground. Knees, hips, ankles, shoulders, elbows fully extended. Don’t return the bar to the ground until your rep has been counted by your judge.
 Chest to bar pullups – Athlete has to be at a full hang in the bottom of each repetition. Chest must come in contact with the bar any where from the clavicle to the sternum. Any style of pullups is allowed, ie. strict, kipping, butterfly. 
Pullup – Athlete has to be at a full hang in the bottom of each repetition. At the top of the movement chin must pass the horizontal plane of the pull-up bar. Any style of pullups is allowed, ie. strict, kipping, butterfly. 
Burpee – With a 45# plate on the floor. The bottom postition will be chest on the ground in front of the 45# plate. The finished position will be standing on top of the 45# plate with control (like a box jump in the CrossFit Games Open – hips, knees and ankles extended.) No clap is necessary. 
You MUST Jump on the plate with both feet leaving the ground at the same time. You may jump down or step off the plate.
You may NOT put your chest on the plate. 
Wall Ball Shots – Standard Wall Balls – Movement starts by going through a full squat with the ball in the front rack position. You must hit the target required for your division.
Squat Cleans
Like the Squat Snatch your body must pass through a full squat and then stand up with control of the bar; hips, ankles and knees fully extended with feet returned under the hips and elbows in front of the bar.
Ankles, Knees and Hips must be fully extended, shoulders behind the bar at the top of the lift. Bar comes directly from the ground each time.
Heat Schedules will be announced Wednesday after registration ends.
Workout of the Day
400m Run
15 Overhead Squats 95/65