Some SIC Athletes

I should have done this in yesterday’s post:
Congrats to Nick Z. and Jen C. for their outstanding performances this weekend at the SICest of the Southwest CrossFit Competition in Scottsdale, about it AZ.  Nick finished 5th in an absolutely stacked field, # 40mg full of high level Regional competitors.  Nick was extremely balanced across several tough WODs.
Jen finished 7th in the Intermediate Division.  Jen had a tough go at the first 2 WODs, advice but ended up with 2 strong finishes, taking 5th in WOD 3 and 3rd in WOD 4.
As I’m sure you’ve noticed, Nick and Jen are gifted athletes and extremely hard workers.  It will be fun to see them grow as athletes over the coming months.
I’ll talk about my experiences at the Outlaw Camp in the next couple of days, but I wanted to share this nugget with you.
I had the worst hand tear of my CrossFit career at the camp on Friday.  I tore my hand in a big bar muscle up WOD – I tore so bad, I had to stop the WOD.  That doesn’t happen to me too often.  I think (ok, I know) I’ve quit 3 WODs in 6 years.  And yes, I can name them.
I went with Denny’s advice, I got a bottle of Vitamin E from Raley’s for $12.  My hand is nearly fully healed after just 3 days.  Crazy!  The bottle should last forever, as a little drop goes a LOOONG way.
Hand Tear Relief: Vitamin E.  Thanks Denny!

Vitamin E $11.99 at Raley’s

Workout of the Day
In 10 min, build to 70% of 1RM of Clean and Jerk, then
Every Minute On the Minute (EMOM) 5, 2 Hang Cleans @ 70%
Once 5 minutes is up, immediately do 90 seconds, as many Hang Cleans as possible.
Run to end of parking lot and back
10 Burpees to touch 6″ beyond reach (12.1 standard)