I know Brian will have something to say, patient but I am going first. Mainly because I have the laptop and am the most lucid.
First things first. Go hug the person who is the closest to you. That you know or even if you don’t them. Make sure you are loving on those that your world would be rocked without.
Second: WEAR YOUR SEATBELTS AND STAY OFF OF YOUR PHONES when driving. When I look at Jack right now I see clearly the seatbelt road rash that cut into him. I see that and the smiley face that I am pretty sure is figuring out how to buy 20 more Rubik’s cubes that are his new obsession. Just to clarify, no phones were used and all seatbelts were worn in the accident this Saturday night that rocked my world. Brian should be out of the hospital tomorrow and shiny and new in a few weeks. If you see him near the GHD in the next week or two don’t let him on it.
Big shout out to Finn who called 911 right away. Make sure your kids know how to do that too.
While our world has been overturned – physical normalcy should commence next week? – I am so moved by the love that has been given by all of you. The cars borrowed, shoulders I cried on, words, impending dinners, future hospital rides for Brian and I, transporting of our kids to places that keep their lives slightly normal…I only hope we can give back all that you have given.
Brian and I hope to be back at the gym ASAP…moving slowly but surely. Please give lots of hugs and high 5’s to all coaches who have made running a small business possible when you can’t be there. They all hold such high places my heart right now.
Onward and upward. Brian programmed this week from the hospital…he has not lost his touch.
Thank you <3
Workout of the Day
Snatch Balance or Overhead Squat- Max Effort
You should be very comfortable with this lift by this point. Just take your time and make the lift;)
10 Wall Ball Shots 20/14
10 Pullups
15m Cap