Pushing Beyond the Margins

I love excitement. Whether it is a great group of people coming to get better at life, try push themselves beyond what they know or even just supporting each other at the end of a hard workout. Excitement is fun. It’s motivating. Tonight we had one of the greatest moments in Crossfit Oakdale. There were pistols and pull-ups in today’s WOD. Hopefully no one said “I can’t do a pistol so I will stay home.” Any time there is a movement you have not mastered, pharmacy know that there is a progression to help you get stronger to eventually master that movement. For example – the pistol. A one-legged squat is no joke. We can use boxes to find our balance, website like this we can use a ball as a target. We can even modify with a walking lunge. Less than 10 minutes (during the 5:30pm class) into the WOD we heard shrieks of excitement. Lindsay exclaims “I am doing it! I am doing it without the ball!” and then she rang the PR bell. It was such a great moment. Ro started off on the box and moved up to the ball target within the workout. Andrea had not done pistols in a workout before and cranked out every one of them. Congratulations to all who pushed beyond their margins of experience, tried something new and succeeded.


Workout of the Day
Clean and Jerk
Build to a heavy single in 15 minutes.  Once you get to that weight, do 3 singles at that weight.  Use 90-120 seconds to rest between the heavy singles.
2 rep Pause Back Squat, 4 sets
Hold the bottom position of the squat for a 3 count – there are many themes to be used.  Chris and I used the Civil War a few weeks ago – 1 Gettysburg, 2 Gettysburg, 3 Gettysburg – UP!
5 Burpees
1 Power Clean 205/125
1 Squat Clean 205/125