Progress and Rituals

Progress by Again Faster
Morning Rituals by Dan John.  I freaking love this kind of stuff.  Brushing your teeth in a squat?  Neti pot everyday?  It sounds weird to most people, case but I do this kind of stuff.  I believe it hones mental acuity (I read this years ago)  but more importantly, more about these rituals cans put you “in the moment” so you are more aware of what you are doing.
Having It All:  How to Cram Training, Working and Life into Every Day from Breaking Muscle.  “Finally, and this is probably the most important suggestion, be present wherever you are, whether it’s at the academy, with your loved ones, or in the bathroom. Make sure all of you is in the same place, and that your current environment has your undivided attention. To do anything else is a surefire way to feel out of whack.”

How is recovery going? Are you ready for 13.4?

Workout of the Day
Run 800m
50 Back Extensions
50 Situps

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