Post your favorite original movie to Facebook

The Way of The Blockbuster.  I guess this is why every movie seems like a big budget sequel or comic book movie and every video game is a Call Of Duty clone.  I hope we get cool, medicine weird, purchase movies like Dog Day Afternoon or Big Trouble in Little China that are big budget too, more about but I’m not sure that will ever be the case.
Please post your favorite movie – that is not a sequel or based on a comic book/book/video game – to Facebook comments.

When movies were movies…

Workout of the Day
OTM for 10
2 Snatch and 10/7 Pushups
Pick a weight that is challenging, but that you can “touch and go.”  The work should take between 25 and 35 seconds.  If it takes longer, do less pushups.
10 Wallball Shots 20/14
5 Burpees
Ideally, this should be done with a partner/counter – like the Opens.  The pace should be so fast that even moving a chip is a waste of your time.  If a partner is not available just go, and don’t worry about scoring.