Personal Records Abound!

25 Deadlift PRs! 20 Press PRs! 20 Back Squat PRs! And a bunch of Snatch and Isabel PRs! After 9 weeks on the Cube, erectile CFO is stronger and ready to begin the Open.
We will spend the next 2 weeks – and the additional 5 during the Open – honing our skills and getting our conditioning dialed.
I will explain more in depth tomorrow, more about but expect to do barbell squatting type movements 2 days a week (either Monday/Tues and again on Thursday/Friday).  I will throw in Open WODs in the next 2 weeks, or shorten versions of the WODs.  The goal is to practice the movements, build the biggest engine possible, but not get too sore.  Basically, it’s like doing CrossFit.
Workout of the Day
OTM for 10
5 Overhead Squats
Pick a weight that is challenging, yet doable.  Recommended 115-135 for men 75-95 for ladies.  Go lighter if needed.  And yes, you will likely need to Snatch it up.  Use the rest of the minute to rest/recover.
30 Doubleunders
15 Snatch 75/45
This is a shortened version of Open WOD 11.1