We are looking for those interested in competing at the Oakland A’s Game on September 9th. We have a 4 person team that we need to fill. If you are interested, there will be a sign up sheet at the front desk. Tickets are $75 and that gets you a t-shirt, entry the game, and lunch. If you are on the team, it will include your entry fee and if you are watching the competition your entry to watch is covered.
Death by Clean & Jerk 135/95
Minute 0-14:59
If you fail, you rest 2 minutes, then restart going up by 2’s.
EVERYONE Rest from minutes 15-17
Minute 17- 27:59
Perform Death By Double-Unders (substitute 3 hurdle jumps for every 10 double-unders.)
10 DU the first minute, 20 the second minute, 30 the third…
If you fail, rest 1 minute and restart going up by 20’s
At Minute 30 Death By 10 Meters until completion.
If you die, you are done.
Every rep counts, every 10m lap counts as 1, every 10 double-unders counts as one.