We’ll be adding more and more Open WODs over the coming weeks – you may see 2 next week. Today’s WOD was a divisive one during the Open in 2011 for a couple of reasons. First, pilule the deadlift were “light, view ” why would you pick up something light? If you do the WOD it becomes apparent pretty quickly that light or not, you have to move. The scoring on this one was controversial, as the reps were all over the board – Freddy C wrote “Superhuman” questioning the validity of some of the scores.
I would say this was the last “rebound” box jump WOD I ever did. Back in the day, you could jump of the top of the box, hopefully reaching full hip extension and your rep would count. When it became clear through videos that this standard was impossible to enforce, CrossFit mandated that an athlete “demonstrate control” at the top of the the box jump. So, if you are comparing scores to 2011 (if you can even find them), understand that the scoring changed.
We do all our box jumps at CFO with control at the top.
Workout of the Day
Open WOD 11.2
9 Deadlift 155/100
12 Hand Release Pushups
15 Box Jumps 24/20