Open WOD – Toes to Bar already???

Quick confession – of all the CrossFit movements, online I felt like the one we were least likely to see in bunches WOD 1 was…Toes to Bar. Well, # sorry.  Instead you got a Toe to Bar WODs.
There are a lot of great prep resources out there, check them out if you need to to.  But I prefer to keep it simple.
Warm up with 70% of your Clean and Jerk.  The DL and Snatch will  be simple and smooth after this.  And you will be ready to move heavy weight.
This is a Toe to Bar WOD.  No doubt about it.  If you can do 10 Ties to Bar well, you should be working in sets of 2s and 3s.  No joke.  I feel like I am pretty good at T2B, and I am concerned about y plan to do 5s.  Be VERY conservative here.  The barbell stuff is relatively easy and will move quick.  If you are going to get bogged down, it is on the T2B.  Even if you are doing the scaled version, short sets with quick breaks is best.
You may warm up with Toes to Rings to get the hips ready.
For the C&J, be prepared to open with 70% of your 1RM.  You can build from there – expect 4 attempts.  If you can hit 90% of more you are winning.
We will do a general warmup at 9am, and will begin heats at 9:30.  We will run heats every 20 minutes until completion.  I believe we can support 5-6 athletes per heat.  Please be prepared to judge.
Workout of the Day
Open WOD 15.1
15 Toes to Bar
10 Deadlift 115/75
5 Power Snatch 115/75
Begining at 9:01 and running to 15:00
Max Effort Clean and Jerk