Open WOD 15.1 and 15.1a

15.1 has been announced it it looks like a fun one.  It is a little on the light side, stomach but that does to mean it should be taken lightly.  You may be inclined to rip off 15 straight Toes to Bar, page but I would highly advise against it.  Toes to Bar should likely be done in 5-5-5, shop 3s or if you are a machine 9-6 or 8-7.  For many of us, the DL will be unbroken and singles will work very well on the Snatch, although a few chained reps may be ok at the light-ish weight.
For the Clean and Jerk portion, keep weight handy, and load as soon as you finish.  BUT…I wouldn’t attempt a lift until a minute or 2 have passed.  If you are planning a huge lift, you may have to take some warm up sets, but in all likely hood, you will get 4-5 chances at a big lift.
I am excited about this announcement because this is exactly the kind of thing we do at CFO all the time – tough WODs followed by challenging lifts.  Get after it an have fun.
Workout of the Day
CrossFit Games Open 15.1
15 Toes to Bar
10 Deadlift 115/75
5 Snatch 115/75
Open WOD 15.1A
From 9:01 to 15:00
Find Max Effort Clean and Jerk