We are in the 11th week of the Milo build (I missed 1 week while on vacation, approved so I’ve done 10 weeks). Milo started as something that we were doing to basically the hardest thing we do each week. Not only is the strength aspect there, clinic the number of reps and the time domain produces a heavy dose of conditioning. I expect 1 more week of Milo, giving us 12 total weeks. In the 13th week, we will do a tester with the weight you opened with to see how much better you can handle that weight.
Over the 11 weeks, we have seen folks that have stuck with it do some awesome stuff. On at least 2 occasions, I have sen folks PR their Clean on Milo – not only are they PR’ing once, they are hitting that weight for multiple reps. Nicole and Rita immediately come to mind for doing this, are there any others out there?
There is a point where that barbell gets heavy, either over the course of the weeks or actually in the Milo session, where fast and easy reps start to require more preparation, warm up, set up, and in the end – effort.
If you have pushed Milo to the point where you are failing to complete the required work – CONGRATULATIONS! You are pushing the limits of your ability. I have recommended to athletes that when you fail one week of Milo, come back the next week and re-attempt the same weight. Strength, and the mental fortitude required to come back to that heavy bar again and again is being Trained with a cap[ital “S” and “T.”
In the coming weeks, we are going to transition to a 5RM Deadlift build, a 3RM Back Squat build, and we are going to focus on the Snatch. These sessions will be different than Milo or the Cube, but will focus on “progressive overload” much the way Milo does. You will only get stronger.
Just a side note as we did Handstand Pushups today – we’re not RX nazi’s but – if you use any ab mat whatsoever, even 1 to protect your dome, that is NOT an RX HSPU. You can use the crash pad, as that is an equal plane.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Wcrhyh-dyo?rel=0&w=420&h=315]
Workout of the Day
3 Position Snatch
Build to a heavy set in 15 minutes
400m Run
21 Box Jump 24/20
12 Toes to Bar