PR ALERT!!! CFO set a new gym record on Monday with 57 athletes tackling the WOD – that’s well over 5, this web 000 burpees. Holy Shnikees!
Alison, more about Tricia and I attended the CrossFit Olympic Training Seminar at CrossFit Anacapa in Ventura, CA this weekend. It was a great seminar – well run, informative and fun. Every time I attend a Olympic Weightlifting seminar (I generally attend something every six months) it’s a huge eye opener how much there is to learn about the Clean and Jerk and the Snatch. Perfecting the lifts truly is a lifelong pursuit.
US Olympic lifting legend Coach Burgener wasn’t at the seminar, but Coach Jim Schmitz was there. Coach Schmitz has been involved in weightlifting for over 60 years. He’s personally coached 10 Olympians, served as a head and assistant coach on Olympic Weightlifting teams and has travelled the world learning about weightlifting and strength training. Coach Schmitz has owned a gym called the Sports Palace in San Francisco for decades. Arnold Schwarzenegger even trained there when he was passing through SF in the old days. Coach Schmitz is like the Yoda of weightlifting.
Alison and I met Coach Schmitz in 2009 and our paths have crossed many times since then. It always a pleasure to see him, talk to him and pick his brain. I was very excited to see Coach Schmitz as part of the CrossFit seminar team, as it’s a great fit for both sides.
We are excited to announce CrossFit Oakdale will host a Coach Schmitz seminar on November 10, 2013 (a Sunday) at CrossFit Oakdale. The cost will be $100 per athlete and will last 3-4 hours. This will be be a hands on session – lots of lifting and drills under the eyes of an Olympic coach. We hope to see you there.
Workout of the Day
Good Morning
If you did the GM last week, you may add weight. If not, work with the bar. Keep these light, no more than 20% of 1RM Back Squat weight
7 Chest to Bar Pullups
30 Doubleunders
60 Foot Walking Lunge
15 minute cap