Okie Doke

Alright, we have done the same style OTM for about a month.  I’m making a change, but I will say next week we will go back to the old style.  Unless I change my mind. Again.
For this workout, I am calling for 10 rounds of Chest to Bar Pullups, in 30 seconds of work.  This could lead to a TON of pullups.  First, don’t rip your hands.  If you feel like you are going to rip, stop.  Go grab a kettle bell or row for calories.
If you feel like you will do more than 100 C2B, do Bar Muscleups.
For the first 20 minutes, we will alternate Wallball and Chest to Bar.  For the last 10, it will be Burpee to 6″ Touch.
Workout of the Day
OTM 30
For 20 minutes, 30 second of work, 30 second of rest
Even Wallball Shots 20/14
Odd Chest to Bar Pullup
At 20:00
Burpees to 6″ Touch
Score up all your reps