New Year's Week Schedule

Once again, see this will be a shortened week.
Normal hours on Monday and Tuesday.  We will Deadlift heavy singles on Tuesday.
New Years Eve, # which is Wednesday, tadalafil there will only be one class – at 9am.  Open Gym from 10a-12p.
Normal hours on Friday.
Thursday is New Year’s Day, and it will be a special WOD.  1 class at 11a – it will be the new gigantic Hero WOD, “Spehar”.  100 heavy thrusters, 100 Chest to Bar pull-ups and 6 miles of running.  Yes, this is a ton of work.  Please come out and share in it with us – you can break it up anyway you like.  You can scale, you can partner up.  Bring a bike, roller skates, a skateboard, a scooter or anything you can thing of to ride as a sub for running.
Workout of the Day
Front Squat, Week 3
Using 8 sets, build to a heavy Double on the Front Squat.  If possible, add 5-10# to last weeks lift.
Open WOD 13.4
Clean and Jerk 135/95
Toes to Bar
Do 3 the first set, 6 the next, 9, then 12…keep going up by 3s