If you head to Youtube and search CrossFit Snatch All Blacks, you will see a series of videos in which Coach Burgener breaks down the lift for a New Zealand Rugby player.
Starting Wednesday, we will begin a new weekly Snatch progression. The session will last 20 minutes – the first 10 to warm up to a working weight, then 5 sets of 2 every 2 minutes. These 2 should be performed consecutively – they can be touch and go or 1 and dumps. Starting weight will be 60-65% of 1RM. For the first week, use any style you like to receive the bar. We may change this up over the progression. Like most progressions, we will try to add more weight each week, over an 8 week period. So, being week 1, warm up to something heavy, but it should be manageable.
5:30am classes on Wednesday start…uh…on Wednesday. See you early birds there.
Workout of the Day
5 sets of 2
Snatch, Any Style
Perform this heavy set every 2 minutes.
Take 10 minutes to get warm and ready. Use a 20 minute clock to keep you honest.
30 Doubleunders
10 Toes to Bar*
*If you are feeling froggy, perform 3 Bar Muscleups instead of T2B