Need to find that summer bod? It's in there.

Alison and I have cooked up a very simple nutrition challenge that will start next week.  It will be very simple – but reflect on things you can do without in your daily and weekly nutrition.
For example – you love to eat a big bag of Doritos every night.  So, you will try to remove that from your diet.  But, that will be a need t0 be a little less specific – you will remove chips – potato, tortilla, whatever from your diet for a week.
There will be some simple fitness challenge get each week to go with the nutrition challenge.

Workout of the Day
Bench Press
5 sets of 3, 70% of 1RM
10 RFT
50′ Walking Lunge Steps (1 DB in Front Rack) 50/35
16 Alternating DB Snatch 50/35
16 minute cap

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