CFO saw it’s first true WOD, both in the AM and the PM. With 100 pull-ups in a WOD, we saw our first “emotional” hand moments. Just cause the pull-up bar is beautiful doesn’t mean you can’t rip your hands. We are still sorting out our color scheme, but we hope to get painting real soon.
It looks like we will get out major gear delivery tomorrow, but we’ll have to transport it from our house to the gym. If any of you bad mother truckers want to help us move a couple thousand pounds of gear, hit up Alison on Facebook after she puts out the arrival notice.
We got our handmade boxes today (3 of em, with 20, 24 and 30in sides. They are sweet!). Tomorrow’s WOD will likely be the last that I do from the house.
Workout of the Day
3 rounds, not for time
Hill run with 45# sandbag
20 GHD situps
I just want to grind a bit in the AM
10 Wall Climbs
10 Toes to Bar
20 Box Jumps 24/20
Wednesday’s WOD is a barbell beast, and it’s called “Smoking Gun”. Use the internets, people!
This looks like a good one…… SMOKING GUN
7 Rounds for time of:
4 Burpee Deadlifts
3 Burpee Power Cleans
2 Burpee Squat Clean
1 Burpee Squat Clean & Jerk
Strength work for me today. 1 RM Back Squat! YAY I love squats!!
1 rm front squat 245#
10 hand release push ups
20 air squats
30 du’s
strength work today. BACK SQUAT 40% – 50%- 60% 1 RM 155# 5X65, 3X75, 3X95 1x 115, 135, 155, 160, 170, 185 FAIL
170 # back squat PR today
I just did the AM part today, it was too dark at the gym. Looking forward to punching “Smoking gun” in the face.
Brian’s post, and I did 4 rounds of the hill run/ghd